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Is it Insurance or a Coupon?

We say coupon at best, or maybe rebate is more fitting.  The majority of our clients opt to not carry dental insurance or are going “out of network” when they choose Origin Dental Wellness for their whole body dentistry.  As a courtesy to our clients, we file your dental claims for you in a timely fashion with any required additional information your benefit company may require for reimbursement.  We often tell our clients that the usual $1000.00 maximum that most benefit companies pay toward your dental needs a year is the same $1000.00 they offered in 1973. Wow, think of what you could purchase for $1000.00 in 1973 when the average monthly rent was only $175.00!  Your dental coverage is not based on what you need to improve or even maintain your health, it’s based on how much your employer pays into the plan and is a contract between the employer and the insurance company. Although you may be tempted to make decisions about your care based on what insurance will pay, remember that your health is the most important thing.  It’s an added bonus when your benefit company pays a percentage of your care, and a bigger bonus if you get out more than you pay in every year. Know that your insurance, coupon, or rebate plan (whichever term you use) is accepted here, and we will be glad to file your dental claims but most importantly, your health is our top priority, not your rebate plan and their standard of care.