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I Love Lettuce Season!

I LOVE lettuce season!! Yes, that is a picture of my refrigerator from this morning. When we were leaving Joe’s Organic Farm in Bixby with our CSA bag of greens (which is massive), a woman in line asked how many people we fed with that bag. “Just two,” I said. Did I mention I love … Read more

Foiled Again

Is it convenient? Yes Does it wrap things well? Yes Is it what our parents used? Yes Does it make heating things in the oven easier? Yes Are there thousands of recipes that use foil as a cooking method? Yes Should you be using aluminum foil? NO When researching the safety of aluminum foil, you’ll … Read more

Why Does the Hygienist Poke Me With That Sharp Thing and Make Me Bleed?

Is This Really Necessary? This is a question that I often answer in the new patient consultation appointment. Some patients have had an experience that they wouldn’t call pleasant when their gums are measured. All they feel is the “pinprick” sensation of the instrument in their gums. Taking this measurement is actually a really important … Read more

Use It or Lose It

To keep seeing results, you have to keep forcing your muscles to adapt by pushing them. Even outside of your comfort zone, but do it safely! Cardio is a great fat burner, but that effect stops when you do. Build more muscle and you’ll keep your body burning fat all day long. “Lifting weights can … Read more

How to Handle a Tooth Ache

  Tooth aches typically show up as sensitivity to temperatures, sweets or chewing. However, they may also present themselves as throbbing, aching or sharp stabbing pains. Some tooth aches are rather mild and can go on for years while others can be debilitating and must be addressed immediately. 1. What causes a Tooth Ache? A … Read more

From Your Gums to Your Heart

Did you know that the health of your gums affects the health of your heart? Periodontal disease is an infectious disease in the gum tissue and bone surrounding the teeth in the mouth.  The infection is created by an overload of disease-causing bacteria.  Bacteria are always present in the mouth.  However, the key to having … Read more

Why Water Is So Vital 

Why Water Is So Vital 

“I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man.” ~ Henry David Thoreau. Why Water Is So Vital? Forms saliva and mucus.  This cleans the mouth and reduces decay. It also keeps your joints well lubricated, which helps reduce friction and damage by creating cushion between your bones.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Boosts skin health … Read more

Mouthwash or Floor Cleaner?

Did you know Listerine was developed not as a mouthwash, but as a germicide, surgical antiseptic and a cure for gonorrhea. It’s earlier adaptations were also used as a floor cleaner. It is almost 30% ethyl alcohol and has a highly acidic pH value of 4.8 ( teeth break down at 5.5 pH), which not … Read more

Truth About Fluoride

You’ve always been told that fluoride is added to your tap water for your health, yet most developed countries, including Japan and 97% of the western European population do not consume fluoridated water. In the U.S., about 70% of public water supplies are fluoridated.  The CDC even states “Water fluoridation prevents tooth decay by providing … Read more

Trust In Medicine

We live in untrustworthy times.  We see it everywhere.  From the news media to the church, distrust is rampant.  We have all fallen victim to it.  We hear the stories, we are part of the stories.  Our skepticism of others rises with each passing day.  It only takes one incident of someone misguiding us to … Read more

What Is Your Tongue Saying About You?


What’s on My Tongue? No really, what is your tongue saying? Without using any words, your tongue can help diagnose medical issues. Is your tongue red? Look like a strawberry? Black and hairy? White with patches? All of these can be tell-tale signs to watch for. A healthy tongue is pink and covered with small … Read more