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What’s Inside a Root Canal and Why It Can Be So Deadly

What’s Inside a Root Canal and Why It Can Be So Deadly

A root canal is basically another way of saying a root filling. When a root canal is performed, the nerve, blood vessels, and immune support of the tooth are removed from the central canal in a tooth and then replaced with a root canal filling material called gutta-percha. Gutta-percha is actually a purified latex that … Read more

Ensuring Safety in Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal: The SMART Approach at Origin Dental Wellness

Ensuring Safety in Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal: The SMART Approach at Origin Dental Wellness

At Origin Dental Wellness, we are SMART-certified to remove your mercury amalgam fillings safely. This means taking the precautions necessary to protect you, the patient, from the exposure of the toxic mercury fumes as well as the elemental mercury itself. Because mercury is a neurotoxin, it is very important to be fully protected from its … Read more

Root Canals: The Simple Truth

The chances are pretty high you have heard some not-so-favorable news about root canals. Especially, if you’ve seen the Root Cause documentary. The chances are probably even higher that you HAVE a root canal. So, how do you wade through all the truth and misinformation? The Simple Truth About Root Canals Root canals are prone … Read more

So What Does it Cost to Have Mercury Removed?

how much will amalgam filling removal cost? | Origin Dental Wellness

The real question is “What’s it going to cost me to leave this mercury in my body? “, but that’s a long post for a different day.  We often get asked “How much do you charge to have mercury removed“, and I love to be able to say “nothing!” As many of you already know, … Read more

SMART Removal Technique

SMART Removal Technique

SMART Removal Technique   What is SMART protocol? SMART is developed by the IAOMT organization and stands for: Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique. Since the amount of mercury vapors released is increased when removing the restoration with a dental handpiece, the protocol was developed to ensure that the patient and the dental team is protected … Read more

What’s in Your Mouth? (Part 2)

Hippo family

So, if mercury is a known neurotoxin, and it’s in the mouths of millions of people, what are the options for removing it safely?  And what is a safe material to replace it with? Thankfully, there is a safe protocol in removing silver mercury fillings in such a way that the mercury vapor exposure is reduced.  … Read more