Immunity and Sleep

Retro-style illustration of a smiling woman gently cradling an herbal tea mug. Text above her reads, "Herbal Bliss!" and below, "Recommended by your Tulsa Holistic Dentist—because wellness is a lifelong journey!" on a soothing green background.

How Sleep Affects Your Immunity Have you ever seen the sign that reads, “Drink more coffee. You’ll get plenty of sleep when you’re dead!” I laughed out loud the first time I saw it. Mainly because it confirmed my lifestyle of busyness and going, going, going. Who has time to sleep? There is always something … Read more

The What and Why of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Have you ever been told you snore? This is the first question on our Epworth Sleepiness questionnaire. This sound can be more than just an annoyance to your family, it can lead to chronic health issues and even death. Because of these concerns, we offer a simple sleep test that we can send home with … Read more