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Root Canals: The Simple Truth

The chances are pretty high you have heard some not-so-favorable news about root canals. Especially, if you’ve seen the Root Cause documentary. The chances are probably even higher that you HAVE a root canal. So, how do you wade through all the truth and misinformation? The Simple Truth About Root Canals Root canals are prone … Read more

From The Four Seasons to Motel 6

What’s the Difference? Let me start off by saying, I have stayed at plenty of Motel 6s. I have stayed in places that made Motel 6 look like the Four Seasons. I am talking about sleeping in my clothes on top of the bed, staring into my own sad and exhausted eyes with the mirror … Read more

Some Recommend Fluoride (Not Us)

Some Recommended Fluoride

Some Recommend Fluoride, but I Recommend Bacteria Ever had to take off work because you had a toothache? Then got the bill and had an ache in your bank account? What if I had a secret, a little pearl if you will, to help prevent that from ever happening again? You’re in luck, I do! … Read more

Breastfeeding Health for Baby Teeth


At Origin Dental Wellness, we have the privilege to work with a lot of young families. The joy in this is that we see a lot of Moms and Dads who are genuinely engaged in the well-being of their children. They are often constantly educating themselves on the best nutrition and resources to keep their … Read more

Cone Beam CT Scan vs. Traditional Dental Radiographs

Cone beam CT scan

We moved to our new location in August 2018 for many reasons, the main one being that we had simply outgrown our 900 square foot remodeled house. It was beginning to feel more like a maze as we struggled to find a place to put each new piece of equipment. And then when we realized … Read more

Vitamins For Teeth

Fresh vegetables flatlay vitamin for teeth

I get this question a lot: “What can I do to keep my teeth healthy if I don’t want to use fluoride?”. It is a valid question. And although I am tempted to jump into the fluoride debate (one in which I stand with the exiguous number of dentists who don’t believe it should be … Read more

Why Dental Hygiene Is Really Archaeology?

Why Dental Hygiene Is Really Archaeology

The next time you are in the dental chair for your oral wellness exam, aka dental cleaning, ponder this; there is some archaeology going on in your mouth. An archaeologist is a person who studies human history through the excavation of artifacts and remains. As a hygienist, I do some excavating and recovering of artifacts … Read more

TMJ Or More Accurately, TMD


Ever been told you have TMJ?  Did you know TMJ is really a misnomer?  More accurately, it’s considered TMD, which stands for TemporoMandibular joint Dysfunction.  The joint is the hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front of each ear. It lets you move your jaw up … Read more

Science Says the Mouth Is Connected to the Rest of the Body!

There is a ton of scientific evidence stating, yes indeed the mouth is connected to the rest of the body. What does this really mean?  It means the bacteria in the mouth is shared throughout the rest of the body. If you have periodontal disease, that bacteria can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.  … Read more

What’s in Your Mouth? (Part 2)

Hippo family

So, if mercury is a known neurotoxin, and it’s in the mouths of millions of people, what are the options for removing it safely?  And what is a safe material to replace it with? Thankfully, there is a safe protocol in removing silver mercury fillings in such a way that the mercury vapor exposure is reduced.  … Read more