The What and Why of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Have you ever been told you snore? This is the first question on our Epworth Sleepiness questionnaire. This sound can be more than just an annoyance to your family, it can lead to chronic health issues and even death. Because of these concerns, we offer a simple sleep test that we can send home with … Read more

How Origin Dental Wellness Clients Benefit From PRP

Visual Representation of Red Blood Cells Navigating Through a Blood Vessel Pathway.

You’re going to draw my blood in the dental office, you ask? That’s right, and we think you’ll be glad we did. Dr. Toler utilizes platelet-rich plasma in every surgical procedure she does. PRP or platelet-rich plasma is blood plasma that contains platelets. PRP contains several growth factors and cytokines that stimulate healing of bone … Read more

Your Tulsa Visit

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

In efforts to alleviate any added stress upon your dental visit, we have compiled the following list of local establishments in which we trust and highly value. We hope it helps. Tulsa Dining Pure Food & Juice “We create daily REAL food handcrafted with the very best ingredients. Gluten free, sugar free, soy … Read more

I Run Because I Am Cheap

run for health

What?  What does that even mean you ask?  It is the summary statement of how I view my healthcare.  Ready to take this journey with me?  Ok, let’s go. So, here is how I see it. Healthcare can be expensive.  AMIRIT?  Also, I like to travel.  I would rather travel than pay for healthcare costs … Read more